Connect an Analytics for JustFood Power BI template with a JustFood Database
Before you can use the Analytics for JustFood Power BI templates, you must connect the templates with a JustFood database.
Permissions have been established. For more information, see Establish Permissions for Analytics for JustFood.
To connect an Analytics for JustFood Power BI template with a JustFood database
Open the Power BI Desktop software, and then log in to your Power BI account.
The OData URL from JustFood is used to connect Power BI with your database. To copy the OData URL from JustFood, perform the following steps:
Open JustFood.
Choose the icon, enter web services, and then choose the related link.
Search for ibbi.
A list of web services where the Object Name starts with IBBI are displayed.
Under the OData URL heading, right-click a value, and then choose Copy Link.
Open an Analytics for JustFood template.
A dialog box appears that prompts you to enter the OData URL.
Paste the OData URL that you copied from JustFood.
At the end of the URL, delete the information that identifies the web service.
For example, if the URL that was pasted was:'JustFood%20Company') /IBBI_Production_Forecast_Entry
You must remove IBBI_Production_Forecast_Entry so that the OData URL appears as follows:'JustFood%20Company')/
In the HistoryToCurrentCutoffDate field, enter the starting date for the refresh.
The date that is entered here reflects the historical data cut-off date and everything after this date is considered current. For example, if the data in the database goes back to 01/01/2013, and 01/01/2018 is entered, all data before 01/01/2018 is considered historical and all data after 01/01/2018 is considered current. For more information, see History and Current Data.
Choose Load.
Power BI attempts to connent to your JustFood database. It may take some time as the application loads the data.
If a window opens for ArcGIS Maps for Power BI, choose OK.
If the message There are pending changes in your queries that haven’t been applied. is displayed, to reload the data, choose Apply Changes.