Calculate and Verify the Physical Inventory
Floor provides the capability for you to calculate the physical inventory and use that information to verify and correct system balances.
To calculate and verify the physical inventory
From the Main Menu, choose Physical Inv.
The Phys. Inventory Entry page opens.
If required, change the value of the Location Code field.
Typically, the Location Code field is automatically populated based on the User ID setup.
To populate the Iten No. field, scan the barcode for the item.
Select the Bin Code field, and then scan the bin code label.
Choose Calc.
The Phys. Inventory Entry (Det) page opens and displays the details of the scanned item.
The Qty. Calculated field shows the system balance for the item.
Verify that the lot numbers match.
In the Qty. Counted field, enter the actual quantity.
The Entry Type field is automatically populated with the value of Negative_adjmt. Floor changes the value to Positive_Adjmt when the quantity in the Qty. Counted field is larger than or equal to the Qty. Calculated field.
Choose Post.
If the post was successful, the header displays a message.
If there are multiple lines, to go to the next record, choose the Next (>) button.
If you want to add inventory for an item where the inventory has not been calculated, that is, you can see inventory in the bin, but that item is not showing up in the inventory for the bin, perform the following steps.
Use caution when using this function because this function adds any entered inventory to the existing inventory for the item.
Choose Add.
The Phys. Inventory Entry page opens.
Enter or scan the item number that you want to add.
Enter or scan the lot number.
Enter or scan the bin code.
Choose Add.
The Phys. Inventory Entry (Det) page opens and the new record is at the end.
To view the new record, choose the Last (>>) button.
The Qty. Calculated field is blank.
Enter the amount that you counted.
Choose Post.
The amount that you entered is added to the amount that is in inventory, for example, if there is 250KG in inventory, and you enter 100, the final inventory is 350KG.