Set up Floor to use Country of Origin
These steps explain how to set up JustFood so that the country of origin can be entered when receiving in Floor.
- An item's item tracking code must be enabled to use country of origin, which is done by selecting the Enable Country of Origin Tracking check box on the Item Tracking Code Card page.
To set up country of origin
Define the states and provinces that you want to be available from Floor.
In the Search field, enter states and select States of Origin.
Select the Use in Floor check box for the states/provinces that you want to be available from Floor.
Close the page.
For any states/provinces where Use in Floor was selected, you also need to select Use in Floor for the corresponding country on the Countries/Regions page.
Define the countries and regions that you want to be available from Floor.
In the Search field, enter countries and select Countries/Regions.
Select the Use in Floor check box for the countries/regions that you want to be available from Floor.
Close the page.
Show the COO field in Floor.
In the Search field, enter interfaces and select Interfaces.
If using the Classic interface, select the WHRCPT_LINE interface.
If using the Guided interface, select the WHRCPT_LINE_GD interface.
For the Classic interface, select the Show check box for the Country of Origin line.
For the Guided interface, select the Edit and Show check boxes for the COO line.
Close the page.
To reload the Floor interfaces
Once the interface information is updated in JustFood, you need to reload the Floor interfaces.
Open the Floor application.
On the Main Menu, tap the Help icon.
Tap Reload Menus and Interfaces.
Tap the Back icon to return to the Main Menu.
The interface that you updated in NAV is now updated in Floor.