Create a Plant Device Group
To create a Plant device group
These steps allow you to configure how Plant will act, such as which fields are displayed and whether labels can be printed.
Open the Plant Device Groups page.
On the Home tab, choose New.
In the No. field, enter the number of the device group.
In the Name field, enter the name of the device group.
To configure the Plant device group
On the Plant Device Groups page, select the plant device group that you want to configure.
On the Home tab, in the Process group, click Configuration. The Plant Device Configuration page opens.
On the Material Output FastTab, populate the fields as required.
Click the field name to learn more about that field.
On the Material Consumption FastTab, populate the fields as required.
To update the Plant configuration
When you change the configuration of a device group with a device that is currently associated with Plant, then you must update the configuration from within Plant.
Open the Plant application.
From the Plant Home page, click the Plant tab.
Click Options.
Click Update Config.
Click OK to close the Options screen.