Create a Preventative Maintenance Measure Code
To track Preventative Maintenance (PM) tasks that must be completed or the measurements that must be taken, create PM Measure Codes.
To create a PM Measure Code
Choose the
icon, enter pm measure codes, and then choose the related link.
The PM Measure Codes page opens.
For each PM Measure Code that you want to create, perform the following steps:
Choose New.
In the Code field, enter a code to represent the task or measurement that must be taken.
In the Description field, enter a description for the code.
If applicable, in the Default Unit of Measure Code field, specify a value.
In the Value Type field, select a value.
When the Value Type for a PM Measure Code is set to Code, you can define the values that a user can select. For more information, see Create a PM Measure Code Value.