Enter a Country of Origin when Receiving
If the COO field is set to be displayed in Floor, and the item is set up to use country of origin, you can enter a country of origin (COO) for item lines when receiving.
On the JustFood Item Tracking Code Card page, for the item tracking code for the item, the Enable Country of Origin Tracking check box is selected.
On the JustFood Countries/Regions page, for all of the countries/regions that you want to be available from Floor, the Use in Floor check box is selected.
On the JustFood States of Origin page, for all of the states/provinces that you want to be available from Floor, the Use in Floor check box is selected.
For any states/provinces where Use in Floor was selected, on the Countries/Regions page, for the corresponding country, you also must select Use in Floor.
On the JustFood Floor Interface page, for the WHRCPT_LINE_GD interface, for the COO line, the Edit and Show check boxes are selected.
A purchase order or warehouse receipt was created.
Depending on how you enter information in to Floor, additional prerequisites may exist.
To enter a country of origin when receiving
Receive items into containers, or without containers.
When the COO field is displayed, choose the Assist button, and then select Countries of Origin.
For the one or more countries of origin that you want, select the one or more corresponding check boxes.
Choose OK.
The country of origin is displayed.