Delete an Inventory Reclassification Entry
Floor provides the capability for you to delete an inventory reclassification entry.
To delete an inventory reclassification entry
From the Main Menu, choose Bin Replenishment.
The Bin Replenishment page opens.
Choose Reclass Jnl.
The Inv. Reclass. Entry page opens.
In the Location field, specify the location where the entry that you want to delete resides.
The New Location field automatically populates with the same location that you entered in the Location field.
Choose Open Jr.
The Inv. Reclass. Entry (Det) page opens and displays the same records that appear in the JustFood Item Reclass. Journal page.
To scroll through the entries, choose the Next (>), Previous (<), First (<<), and Last (>>) buttons.
After you find the entry that you want to delete, choose Delete.
A message is displayed that indicates the Reclass Journal was successfully deleted.