Move a Container
After items have been containerized, similar to the Reclass Journal, the containers can be moved using the handheld. When a container is moved, the item tracking information for all of the container items flows through with the container number. Examples of item tracking information are the lot number, expiration date, and production date.
For a container number to exist in JustFood, the container must include at least one item.
A container move is required to reclassify its location or bin.
To move a container
From the Main Menu, choose Container Mgmt.
The Container Mgmt. page opens.
Choose Move.
The Container Move page opens.
In the Container No. field, enter or scan in the container number.
The New Location Code field defaults to the location of the bin.
The Location Code and Bin Code fields are automatically populated with the old location and bin.
Manually, move the pallet to the new bin.
This process is used for Production picking as well as all moves that do not occur during a BUILD.
In the New Bin Code field, scan in the new bin code.
Choose Move.
The page refreshes and a message is displayed that indicates the move was successful.