Split Items into Multiple Containers
Floor provides the capability for you to split items into multiple containers.
To split items into multiple containers
From the Main Menu, choose Container Mgmt.
The Container Mgmt. page opens.
Choose Build.
The Container Build-From page opens.
Leave the From Container No. or Item No. fields blank.
If required, change the value of the Location Code field.
Typically, the Location Code field is automatically populated based on the User ID setup.
In the Bin Code field, enter the bin code that includes the container.
Choose Search.
An inventory list is displayed that includes all items in the bin for the specified location.
Select the item that you want to split, and then choose Split.
The Create Containers page opens.
You cannot split an item that is already in a container.
In the Qty Per Container field, enter the number of items that are to be in each container.
In the No. of Containers field, enter the number of containers that the items are to be split into.
The Qty Allocated field is automatically updated.
In the Label Print field, select one of the following values:
Summary Label
Detailed Label
In the No. of Copies field, enter the number of labels that you want printed.
In the Printers field, select a printer.
Choose Create.
A message is displayed that indicates the containers have been created.