Open a Physical Inventory Entry
Floor provides the capability for you to open and view a physical inventory entry.
To open a physical inventory entry
From the Main Menu, choose Physical Inv.
The Phys. Inventory Entry page opens.
To narrow the amount of physical inventory entries that are returned perform one or more of the following steps:
In the Item No. field, enter the item number that is associated with the physical inventory entry that you want to open.
In the Location field, enter the Location Code that is associated with the physical inventory entry that you want to open.
In the Lot No. field, enter the lot number that is associated with the physical inventory entry that you want to open.
In the Bin Code field, enter the code that is associated with the physical inventory entry that you want to open.
Choose Open.
The Phys. Inventory Entry (Det) page opens.
If there are multiple entries, to find the entry that you want to open and view, choose the Next (>) button.