Search for a Warehouse Put-Away
Floor provides the capability for you to search for a warehouse put-away. Typically, you search for a warehouse put-away when you want to view details about the put-away or when you want to post the put-away.
The following details about a put-away are available for you to view:
Put No.
Assigned User
Assigned Date
Put No.
Assigned Time
No. Lines
Src. Doc. Type
Src. Doc. No.
You can also view the following details for a warehouse put-away entry:
Line No.
Whse. Rcpt. No.
Item No.
Bin Code
Place Bin
Qty. to Handle
Lot No.
Qty. Handled
To search for a warehouse put-away
From the Main Menu, choose Receiving.
The Receiving page opens.
Choose Whse. Put.
The Put-Aways page opens.
In the No field, enter the number of the put-away that you want to search for, otherwise, to perform a search for all put-aways, leave the field blank.
In the Assigned UserID field, if available, enter the User ID that is associated with the warehouse put-away that you want to search for.
Choose Search.
Any warehouse put-aways that match the search criteria that was specified are displayed.
To view the details for a put-away entry, select the Put No. for a put-away, and then choose Open.
The Put-Away Entry page opens.