Search for a Warehouse Pick
Floor provides the capability for you to search for a warehouse pick. Typically, you search for a warehouse pick for the following reasons:
You want to open the warehouse pick and perform pick entry.
You want to unassign the warehouse pick.
You want to view details about the warehouse pick.
The following warehouse pick details are available for you to view:
Pick No.
Assigned User
Assigned Date
Assigned Time
No. Lines
Src. Doc. Type
Src. Doc. No.
To search for a warehouse pick
From the Main Menu, choose Shipping.
The Shipping page opens.
Choose Whse. Pick.
The Picks page opens.
In the No field, enter the number of the warehouse pick that you want to search for, otherwise, to perform a search for all warehouse picks, leave the field blank.
In the Assigned UserID field, if available, enter the User ID that is assigned to the warehouse pick that you want to search for.
Choose Search.
Any warehouse picks that match the search criteria that was specified are displayed.
To view the details for a warehouse pick, select the Pick No.