What's New in JustFood 2015 Feature Pack 2 | December 2015
These Release Notes explain the JustFood fixes and new functions that are in this release.
Some of the new functions have a short video clip demonstrating the changes. Look for the icon. A single video has also been created, which includes all of the video clips in a single video file: Release Video.
For release information related to the JustFood applications, see Applications.
Document Pick
The Document Pick functionality has been removed.
The following changes were made:
The Document Picks link was removed from the menu
On the JustFood Setup page, the Enable Document Picks field was removed.
On the Sales Order page, the Document Picks Lines action was removed.
On the Transfer Order page, the Document Picks Lines and Create Doc Pick actions were removed.
On the Warehouse Setup page, the Document Pick Nos. and Registered Document Pick Nos. fields were removed.
The following pages were deleted: Document Pick, Document Pick Subform, Document Pick List, Registered Document Pick, and Registered Document Pick Subform.
Purchases and Payables
The Purchases & Payables Setup page was changed so that the Default Qty. to Receive field only populates the Qty. to Receive field on purchase orders, and no longer populates the Qty. to Invoice field.
The following changes were made for this function:
The Default Qty. to Receive field was changed so that it no longer populates the Qty. to Invoice field on purchase orders.
The Default Qty. to Invoice field was added. The field determines if the Qty. to Invoice field is populated on purchase orders.
Blank Zero for Word Reports
Fields that are defined as blank zero are now shown as blanks in Word reports instead of zeros.
This change may affect the layout of decimal columns in custom Word layouts. You may have to manually set decimal fields to right-justification.
The following reports were updated:
- Sales - Quote
- Sales - Confirmation
- Sales - Invoice
- Sales - Credit Memo
- Purchase Order
- Whse. - Posted Shipment
- Mini Whse. - Shipment
Hiding Contact Names and Country/Region Codes on Sales and Purchases Reports
You can now hide the contact name on Sales and Purchases reports. The following changes were made:
On the General Ledger Setup page, the Local Cont. Addr Format field was changed to include the None option. When None is selected, the contact name does not appear in your company's mailing address.
On the Countries/Regions List page, the Contact Address Format field was changed to include the None option. When None is selected, the contact name does not appear in the mailing address of a specific country or region.
You can now hide the country/region code on Sales and Purchases reports. The following changes were made:
- On the Countries/Regions List page, the Country/Region Code Address Format field was added to allow users to specify if the country/region code should appear in the mailing address.
Label Reports
You can now configure label reports so that a specific layout is printed depending on the item, vendor and location combination. Currently, only when the Inventory Label report is run does JustFood look at the new Label Report Config. Setup page to see which report layout to print. For more information, see Define the Label Layout to Print.
The following changes were made:
The Label Report Config. Setup page was added, which allows you to define which labels are printed for specific item, vendor and location combinations.
The Inventory Label report (23019508) was created. This report is used by the Label Report Config. Setup page. The report cannot be run directly from JustFood, or the NAV Development Environment. The report can only be run from the following places:
The Print Label action on the JustFood Item Ledger Entries page.
The Post or Post and Print action on the Item Journal page if Print Inventory Label on Post was selected for ITEM on the Item Journal Templates page.
The Print button accessed from the Floor Whse. Receipt Entry screen.
The Post button (when a printer is selected) accessed from the Floor Output screen.
The Post button on the Plant Material Output screen (when Post & Print is selected for the Post Action field on the Plant Device Configuration page)
The Print Label action on the Item Ledger Entries page was changed to look at the Label Report Config. Setup page.
Mini Sales Credit Memo
More Word fields were added to the Mini Sales - Credit Memo report. See Add Fields to a Word Report Layout for more information.
The following fields are available at the Header level:
- ExternalDocumentNo_Header
- SalespersonCode_Header
- ShipVia_Header
- LocationCode_Header
- PaymentTermsCode_Header
- SellToPhoneNumber_Header
- BillToPhoneNumber_Header
- ShipToPhoneNumber_Header
The following fields are available at the Line level:
- SalesPriceUOM_Line: Sales price unit of measure code
- SPUOMQuantity_Line: Number of units in the sales price unit of measure. Calculated as Quantity (Sales Price UOM) x Unit Price (Sales Price UOM). For variable weight items, where the sales price UOM is weight, this is the sum of the tracking variable weights. For all other line types, this is the UOM conversion to sales price UOM. For non-inventory lines, presumably the sales price UOM is blank, and therefore this is the unit price on the sales line.
- NetPricePerSPUOM_Line: Net price per sales price unit of measure
- IncludedICPerSPUOM_Line: Amount of item charge included in the net price per sales price unit of measure
- PricePerSPUOMLessIncludedIC_Line: Net price per sales price unit of measure less the amount of item charge included
- RebatePerSPUOM_Line: Amount of off-invoice rebate included in the net price per sales price unit of measure
- PricePerSPUOMLessRebate_Line: Net price per sales price unit of measure less the amount of off-invoice rebate included
- PricePerSPUOMLessIncludedICAndRebate_Line: Net price per sales price unit of measure less included item charges and off-invoice rebates
- NetWeight_Line: Total line weight based on standard weight UOM. For variable weight items, this will be the total tracking weight. For non-variable weight items, this will be the standard net weight times the quantity shipped.
- OffInvoiceRebateAmount_Line: Invoice rebates for each line on the document.
The following fields are available at the Total level:
- TotalNetWeight: Sum of the invoice line weight for the invoice, which shows the total weight shipped.
- TotalUnitCount: Sum of all item quantities
- TotalFreightCharge: Sum of all freight charges
- TotalSalesCharge: Sums of all sales charges
Mini Purchase-Order
More Word fields were added to the Purchase Order report. See Add Fields to a Word Report Layout for more information.
The following fields are available at the Header (PageLoop) level:
- ExternalDocNo
- PurchaserCode
- ShippingAgentCode
- ShipmentMethodCode
- LocationCode
- PaymentTermsCode
- ShippingInstructions1
- ShippingInstructions2
- ShipToPhone
The following fields are available at the Purchase_Line level:
- OriginalOrderQty
- UnitOfMeasureCode
- DirectUnitCostPPUOM
- OffInvoiceRebateAmount
- Off_InvoiceRebateRate
- PurchaseLineWeight
- PurchasePricePPUOM
- QuantityPurchasePrice_UOM
The following fields are available at the Item level:
- ItemCategoryCode_Item
- ProductGroupCode_Item
- ManufacturerCode_Item
- BrandCode_Item
- GlobalGrp1_Item
- GlobalGrp2_Item
- GlobalGrp3_Item
- GlobalGrp4_Item
- StdPackUOMCode_Item
- StdPacksPerPackage_Item
The following field is available at the Purch_Comment_Line level:
- PrintOnOrder
The following fields are available at the WordFooter level:
- PurchaseLineWeightTotal
- PurchaseQuantitySum
- TotalUnitCount
Sales and Marketing Reports
The datasets in the following reports were updated to make more fields available when designing Word reports.
- Mini Sales - Order Conf. (1305)
- Sales Credit Memo (1307)
- Posted Whse. Shipment (23019008)
Warehouse Report Selections
Warehouse report selections were moved to their own Report Selection page so that you can define which reports are printed from the warehouse receipts and warehouse shipments. If the new Report Selection - Warehouse page isn't populated, then you will receive errors when trying to print warehouse receipts and warehouse shipments.
To define the warehouse report selections:
Open the Report Selection - Warehouse page.
For the Warehouse Shipment usage, select report ID 23019009.
For the Warehouse Receipt usage, select report ID 7316.
For the Posted Warehouse Shipment usage, select report ID 23019008.
For the Posted Warehouse Receipt usage, select report ID 7308.
Click OK.
The following changes were made:
The Report Selection action was removed from the following pages: Warehouse Receipt, Posted Whse. Receipt, Warehouse Shipment and Posted Whse. Shipment.
The Report Selection - Warehouse page was added, which is used to specify what report is printed from different Warehouse documents.
The Whse. Shipment report was added, which can be selected from the Report Selection - Warehouse page.
The Post and Print action on the Warehouse Shipment page now prints the report defined for Posted Warehouse Shipment on the Report Selection-Warehouse page.
The Post and Print action on the Warehouse Receipt page now prints the report defined for Posted Warehouse Receipt on the Report Selection-Warehouse page.
Sales & Marketing
The Sales & Receivables Setup page was changed so that it populates the Qty. to Ship field on sales orders, and no longer populates the Qty. to Invoice field.
The following changes were made:
The Sales & Receivables Setup page was changed as follows:
The Default Qty. to Ship field was changed so that it no longer populates the Qty. to Invoice field on sales orders.
The Default Qty. to Invoice field was added. The field determines if the Qty. to Invoice field is populated on sales orders.
The Sales Price Unit of Measure field was added to the following pages: Posted Sales Invoice Subform, Posted Sales Credit Memo Subform, and Posted Return Receipt Subform.
The Unit Price (Sales Price UOM) field was added to the Posted Return Receipt Subform page.
The Line Net Weight to Invoice and Line Net Weight Invoiced fields were removed from Sales Invoice Subform page.
Variable Weight
Commissions can now be calculated based on variable weight. If an item is a variable weight item, and the commission's Unit of Measure Code is part of the Inventory Setup's Weight UOM Group, then the variable weight will be factored into the commission calculation.
When a sales order or sales credit memo is created for a variable weight item, any associated commissions are calculated based on the item's net weight. When the item tracking is entered, and the weight of the item is entered, the commission is recalculated based on the actual weight.
To create a variable weight commission, you need to do the following on the Commission Card page:
On the Lines FastTab, select $/Unit for the Value Type field.
On the Lines FastTab, select a weight value for the Unit of Measure Code field.
Line Discounts
Discounts based on the sales price unit of measure can now be entered directly on the sales line. If the item is a variable weight item, when the sales order is posted, the Line Discount Amount field will be calculated based on the item's track field will be calculated based on the item's tracked weight.
The following changes were made:
- Unit Discount (SP UOM) field was added to the Lines FastTABon the Sales Order page. If this field is populated, it will then be used to calculate the Line Discount Amount field, when the sales order is posted.
Purchase Rebates
Purchase rebates can now be calculated based on variable weight. If an item is a variable weight item, and the rebate's Unit of Measure Code is part of the Inventory Setup's Weight UOM Group, then the variable weight will be factored into the rebate calculation.
When a purchase order for variable weight items is released, any associated off-invoice or everyday rebates are calculated based on the item's net weight. When the actual weight of the item is entered and the receipt is posted, the off-invoice or everyday rebate is recalculated to reflect the actual weight that was received.
When a sales order for variable weight items is released, any associated sales-based rebates are calculated based on the item's net weight. When the actual weight of the item is entered and the shipment is posted, the sales-based rebate is recalculated to reflect the actual weight that was shipped.
To create a variable weight purchase rebate, you need to do the following on the Purchase Rebate Card page:
Select $/Unit for the Calculation Basis field.
Select a weight value for the Unit of Measure Code field.
This value should belong to the Weight UOM Group that is defined on the Inventory Setup page.
On the Lines FastTab, assign variable weight items, or assign a rebate group that has been associated with variable weight items.
Sales Rebates
Sales rebates can now be calculated based on variable weight. If a sales item is a variable weight item, and the rebate's Unit of Measure Code is part of the Inventory Setup's Weight UOM Group, then the variable weight will be factored into the rebate calculation.
When a sales order for variable weight items is released, any associated off-invoice or everyday rebates are calculated based on the variable weight item's net weight. When the actual weight of the item is entered and the shipment is posted, the off-invoice or everyday rebate is recalculated to reflect the actual weight that was shipped.
To create a variable weight sales rebate, you need to do the following on the Sales Rebate Card page:
Select ($)/Unit for the Calculation Basis field.
Select a weight value for the Unit of Measure Code field.
This value should belong to the Weight UOM Group that is defined on the Inventory Setup page.
On the Lines FastTab, assign variable weight items, or assign a rebate group that has been associated with variable weight items.
Warehouse and Inventory
Inventory Setup: Item UOM Rounding Precision
You now have the ability to define the rounding precision for an item's unit of measure (UOM) from the Inventory Setup page.
The following changes were made:
- The Item UOM Rounding Precision field was added to the General FastTABon the Inventory Setup page. This field already existed in the table but was not visible on the page.
Item Journal: Automatic Label Printing
The Inventory Label report (23019508) can now be automatically printed when posting positive item ledger transactions from the Item Journal page. When labels are automatically printed, JustFood looks at the new Label Report Config. Setup page to see which report layout to print for the Inventory Label report. For more information, see Define the Label Layout to Print.
To set up automatic printing for the Item Journal page:
Open the Item Journal Templates page.
Click Edit List.
Select the Print Inventory Label on Post check box of the ITEM record.
Click OK.
The following changes were made:
The Post and Post and Print actions on the Item Journal page were changed to look at the new Label Report Config. Setup page if the Print Inventory Label on Post check box was selected for the ITEM line on the Item Journal Templates page.
Label reports are now based on the new Inventory Label report (23019508).
On the Item Journal Template page, the Print Lot Inf. Label on Post check box was renamed Print Inventory Label on Post.
Lot/Serial Number Information Cards: Auto-Create
You can now set up JustFood so that it will automatically create lot and/or serial number information cards when a lot number and/or serial number is added to the item tracking. This function is particularly helpful to Floor and Plant users who were previously unable to post receipts and outputs for items that had default properties. When a lot or serial number information card is automatically created, any item default properties will automatically be added to the information card, which now allows Floor and Plant users to post.
To set up automatic creating of lot/serial number information cards:
Open the Item Tracking Code Card page for the desired code.
On the Misc. FastTab, in the Auto Create Tracking Info field, select the information card that you want to be automatically created when a lot or serial number is added to the item tracking.
Click OK.
The following changes were made:
- The Auto Create Tracking Info field was added to the Misc. FastTABon the Item Tracking Code page. This field determines if a serial number and/or lot information card is created when a serial number and/or lot number is added to the item tracking.
Warehouse "Qty. to" Fields: Set Default Values
You can now define if the Qty to Ship field is automatically populated on the Warehouse Shipment page, and if the Qty. to Receive field is automatically populated on the Warehouse Receipt page.
To define if the Warehouse Qty. to fields are automatically populated:
Open the Warehouse Setup page.
On the Rules FastTab, select Remainder for the Default Whse. Receipt Qty. to Receive field if you want the Qty. to Receive field to be populated with the quantity that is remaining on the receipt line.
On the Rules FastTab, select Remainder for the Default Whse. Receipt Qty. to Ship field if you want the Qty. to Ship field to be populated with the quantity that is remaining on the shipment line.
Click OK.
The following changes were made for this function on the Warehouse Setup page:
The Default Whse. Shipment Qty to Ship field was added. The field determines if the Qty. to Ship field on the warehouse shipment is populated.
The Default Whse. Shipment Qty to Receive field was added. The field determines if the Qty. to Receive field on the warehouse receipt is populated.
Warehouse Receipt Lines: Always Delete on Posting
You can now set a rule so that warehouse receipt lines are automatically deleted in all scenarios when the receipt is posted. Previously, warehouse receipt lines were only automatically deleted when the Qty. Outstanding field was zero and Qty. Outstanding=0 was selected on the Location Card page.
To always automatically delete warehouse receipt lines:
Open a Location Card.
On the Rules FastTab, select Always for the Delete Whse. Rcpt. Line Rule.
Click OK.
The following changes were made:
- On the Location Card page, the Always option was added to the Delete Whse. Rcpt Line Rule field, which deletes warehouse receipt lines automatically in all scenarios even if the order has only been partially received. Previously, you could only select Qty. Outstanding=0 or Manual when deleting warehouse receipt lines.
Work Items
ID | Function Area | Severity | Changed JF Objects | Description |
50386 | Commerce | High | N/A | Commerce wipes out and recreates customers in a different order when import customers is run, and the Activity import types haven't been created. This has been fixed. |
50822 | Commerce | Medium | N/A | When you click on the AR History link, a "Page not found" message pops up. This has been fixed. |
49780 | Commerce | N/A | N/A | Updated the Accounts Receivable History page in JF Commerce to be consistent with the formatting used in the recently added features in JF Commerce. |
44761 | Finance | Medium | REP23019742 | An error occurs when running the Calculate/Register rebate routine, and the rebate description is more than 30 characters. This has been fixed. |
50055 | Finance | Medium | REP 10401 | Signatures on checks were always printing regardless of the threshold level. The report layout was modified and some extra text boxes and expressions were added to body. Extra expressions were added into the images on the footers. |
54672 | Finance | Medium | REP 1401 | The Check report was not printing correctly. This has been fixed. |
50637 | Floor | Critical | N/A | The Replenishment Calc in Floor has the ability to show more records than fit on a single screen. But whenever more than the default 10 records are shown, pressing Next or Last causes Floor to produce an error. This has been fixed. |
54611 | Floor | Critical | COD22 | When using the Reclass Journal to move inventory between locations, the Item Ledger Entry for the new location was coming in with a negative net weight. This has been resolved. |
50685 | Floor | High | N/A | Once you have sent all the variable weight items with their weight, you are not able to post. This has been fixed bug #51349. |
51660 | Floor | High | N/A | Received error message when clicking on the FEFO button on Item Bin Contents. Message was "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". This has been fixed. |
50026 | Floor | Medium | N/A | In FLOOR, the Assigned User ID filter is clearing from Pick List screen when the user returns to the Pick List after accessing Pick Line or posting Pick. I checked the NAV interface; the "clear on submit" = false for the Assigned User ID field, yet system still clears the field. It should not. This has been fixed. |
51669 | Floor | Medium | N/A | Fixed an issue in Floor that was causing the Output page's Production and Expiration Date formatting to display with date and time. (The JustFood data field only contains a date component, so a meaningless '12:00:00 AM' time was being appended.) This has been fixed |
43866 | Floor | N/A | COD23019456 COD6501 COD7312 | In Floor, the auto-pick shipping function supports breakbulk. |
43867 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23 COD23019459 COD23019471 COD7302 | Updated the Reclass Registering function to be consistent with the NAV item journal posting process. |
48190 | Floor | N/A | REP23019450 | Default pick bin was added to the Whse. Shipment Lines interface. |
49492(PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019028 COD23019458 COD241 | Label printing for production was changed to use the new Label Configuration setup. |
50116(PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019028 COD23019470 TAB23019457 | Label printing from the Warehouse Receipt was updated to use the new label configuration setup. |
50407/54235 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019455 COD23019570 COD23019450 COD23019466 PAG10 PAG23019476 PAG23019588 PAG23019988 (new) PAG23019731 PAG6510 REP23019450 TAB23019568 TAB9 | Added new field called Country of Origin (or COO) on the Floor Whse. Receipt Entry page. |
50431 | Floor | N/A | COD23019456 | Added the ability for picks to be automatically be assigned when selected in Floor, and the ability to unassign Picks in Floor. |
50437 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | N/A | When posting a pick from the Warehouse Shipment, the Lot No. field does not use the "Clear on Submit" setting. Floor has been changed so that this is now working. |
50806 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019200 COD23019457 | Added ability to create a pre-receive quality audit from a purchase order or warehouse receipt. |
50807 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019457 | Added ability to create a shipping agent quality audit from a warehouse shipment. |
50808 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019200 COD23019457 REP23019450 | Added ability to create a shipping agent quality audit from a purchase order or warehouse receipt. |
50871 | Floor | N/A | COD23019750 COD23019464 | Added the ability to remove items from containers. |
50880 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019455 COD23019464 COD5750 COD5760 PAG23019455 PAG23019476 PAG23019480 QUE 23019010 (new) REP23019450 TAB23019454 TAB7317 TAB7319 XML 23019462 | Added the ability to receive containers. |
51177 (PBI) | Floor | N/A | COD23019456 COD23019458 PAG23019469 PAG23019483 REP23019450 | Added the ability to handle variant codes. The variant code was added to the following pages: RECLASS_LINE RECLASSDET_LINE BINCONTENT_LIST BINCONTENTS CONS_LINE CONTAINER_PICK_LINE OUTPUT_LINE |
54474 | Manufacturing | High | TAB5404 | Unable to change the UOM of an item that doesn't have any open production orders. This has been fixed. |
45829 | Manufacturing | Medium | PAG23019987 | When you go into the Plant Device Groups page, the first time, there is an empty row on the first line (looks like it is ready for entry, even though I haven't clicked the New icon yet. This has been fixed by turning on the delayed insert property on the page. |
51593 | Manufacturing | Medium | TAB83 | The source number and source type are not being populated on Finished Production Orders. An error occurs when trying to post that says "Source No. must have a value in Item Journal Line: Journal". This has been fixed. |
53132 | Manufacturing | Medium | TAB83 | When the "Use Specific Cap. Cost as Dir." check box is selected on the Manufacturing Setup page, the specific cost machine and work center overhead, and indirect costs were being applied twice when calculating the Production Journal Line. This has been resolved. |
53573 | Manufacturing | Medium | COD5407 | When you create a co-product production order and try to change the Status, you get an incorrect error message. The fact that an error happens is correct, because you cannot change the status of a co-product production order directly (need to do it on the parent order), however the Production Order Status and No. that appear in the error message are the wrong values. They show the value of the co-product production order instead of the parent production order. This has been fixed. |
50362 | Plant | Critical | N/A | When attempting to log into Plant where the service tier resides on an azure machine, the message 401 Unauthorized is received. This has been fixed. |
51096 | Plant | High | N/A | On the Item Bin Contents page, received an "Attempted to divide by zero" error when trying to post consumption. This has been fixed. |
54364 | Plant | High | COD23019468 | Net weight wasn't being posted to the item ledgers and warehouse entries when posting material output. This has been fixed. |
53756 | Plant | Medium | N/A | An "Attempted to divide by zero" error was occurring on the Capacity Ledger Entries when using the "Next" buttons. This has been fixed. |
49493 (PBI) | Plant | N/A | COD23019468 TAB23019033 | Added the ability to have the label printing during production used the new label configuration setup. |
50127(PBI) | Plant | N/A | N/A | Added a new setup in Plant to clear the quantity field after posting consumption. |
54357 | Platform | High | PAG23019732 PAG393 PAG40 PAG46 PAG54 PAG5510 PAG5769 PAG7336 PAG99000823 PAG99000846 | The Tracking Status field was not working correctly on multiple pages. This has been fixed. |
54724 | Platform | High | COD6500 PAG6510 | Item Tracking: Net Weight changes are not saved unless the quantity has been raised. This has been fixed. |
44744 | Platform | Medium | N/A | Unable to add a No. Series List, and associate it to an existing series. This has been fixed. |
54068 | Platform | Medium | COD7302 | From the production order, you cannot register a pick, which prevents you from posting the consumption. This has been fixed. |
54711 | Platform | Medium | TAB5769 TAB23019501 COD23019027 MEN1059 PAG42 PAG5740 PAG5775 PAG23019502 Deleted Objects PAG23019785 PAG23019786 PAG23019787 PAG23019788 PAG23019789 PAG23019790 PAG23019791 COD23019779 COD23019792 COD23019793 COD23019794 REP23019776 REP23019777 TAB23019783 TAB23019784 TAB23019785 TAB23019786 | The deprecated JustFood "Document Pick" functionality has been removed in |
53312 | Platform | Low | MEN1059 | An error was occurring when trying to open the Customer-List report from the menu. This has been fixed. |
50405 | Purchases and Payables | High | TAB39 | The new Purchases and Payables "Default Qty. to Invoice" 'Blank' functionality was causing an issue that would block Invoice posting of a Purchase Order after manually setting the Qty. to Invoice to the maximum allowable remainder. This has been fixed. |
50418 | Purchases and Payables | High | COD1032 COD22 COD23019552 COD5704 COD5705 COD6500 COD7324 COD80 COD90 COD900 COD925 COD926 COD99000813 COD99000830 COD99000831 COD99000832 COD99000833 COD99000834 COD99000835 COD99000836 COD99000837 COD99000838 COD99000840 COD99000842 COD99000844 | On Warehouse Receipt, when you define tracking for the whole line, but only receive partial, the net weight values on the tracking were not calculating correctly. This relates to non variable weight items. This has been fixed. |
54734 | Purchases and Payables | High | COD6500 COD99000834 | When creating a new Purchase Credit Memo and using Copy Document from a Posted Purchase Invoice, the Net Weight in the Item Tracking was not copying over. The same issue was occurring with the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action. This has been resolved. |
54797 | Purchases and Payables | High | COD90 | Can now purchase variable weight items without a Purchase Price Unit of Measure |
46844 | Purchases and Payables | Medium | PAG6510 | The expiration date was not populated on item tracking lines on the purchase quote. This has been fixed. |
49836 | Purchases and Payables | Medium | TAB39 | When you create a blanket purchase order and select lock pricing on the line and then make the order, the purchase order that is created does not have locked pricing checked. This has been fixed. |
50412 | Purchases and Payables | Low | PAG46 PAG54 PAG131 PAG133 PAG137 PAG139 PAG160 PAG402 PAG403 PAG510 PAG10038 PAG10039 PAG10042 PAG14002401 PAG14002411 PAG14002415 PAG14002419 PAG14050307 PAG14050331 PAG14050333 PAG23019399 PAG23019884 REP1305 REP1306 REP14002400 | The Decimal Places property was undefined in several objects, which caused the fields to not show two decimal places. This has been fixed by setting the rounding property to 0:5. |
51577 | Purchases and Payables | Medium | PAG403 | The Dimmed Weight field on the Statistics page should display as a number field not an amount field (with 2 decimal places) and should be greyed out like other fields. This has been fixed |
52921 | Purchases and Payables | Medium | COD5805 TAB5805 | When linking a purchase order with a charge to a sales order, when the sales order is released, the item charge assignment on the purchase order is not correct. This has been fixed. |
49511 | Purchases and Payables | N/A | PAG460 TAB312 TAB37 TAB39 | Added a new "Default Qty. to Invoice" field to the Purchases & Payables Setup page. This allows the Qty. to Invoice that defaults on a Purchase line to be 0 (Blank) even if the "Default Qty. to Receive" is set to "Remainder". |
54013 | Quality Management | Low | PAG23019235 | When creating a new quality procedure for an item, the Description field was not being populated. This has been fixed by adding an updating control function to the page to commit description calcs. field. upon validating "QP Setup Code" field. |
53202 | RapidStart | Medium | TAB8622 | When trying to use the Copy Data from Company action on the Configuration Worksheet, there is an error message related to a blank company. The Copy Data page opens, but the message needs to be removed. This has been fixed. |
50371 | Reporting | High | N/A | If the same items were present on multiple shipment lines, all of the lot details would show up for each line. This has been fixed. |
49762 | Reporting | N/A | COD365 TAB9 TAB98 | Added the ability to not show Contact when printing Sales and Purchase Documents on a global level. |
49764/54224 | Reporting | N/A | COD2 COD5766 COD5776 MEN1059 PAG23019170 (new) PAG5768 PAG7330 PAG7335 PAG7337 TAB7316 TAB7318 TAB7320 TAB7322 TAB77 | Moved the Warehouse Report Selections from JF Report Selections to its own Report Selection similar to Logistics Report Selection. |
50145 (PBI) | Reporting | N/A | COD265 PAG10 TAB9 TAB98 | Added the ability to no show the Country/Region code when printing Sales and Purchase documents on a global level. |
50233 (PBI) | Reporting | N/A | COD23019028 (new) REP23019508 (new) TAB23019457 TAB6505 | Created a new report to be used for labels. |
50297(PBI) | Reporting | N/A | COD23030053 (new) REP1304 REP1305 REP1306 REP1307 REP23019004 REP23019008 REP23019009 | Added the ability to have fields that are defined as "BlankZero" to show up in reports as a blank instead of a zero. |
50835 (PBI) | Reporting | N/A | REP23019009 (new) | Created a new report for open warehouse shipments with a similar word layout and data model format as the current posted warehouse shipment report. This report can be used in the new Warehouse Report Selections (Warehouse Shipment). |
50836 (PBI) | Reporting | N/A | COD5763 | The Post and Print from a Warehouse Shipment was changed to use the new Warehouse Report Selections (Posted Warehouse Shipment). |
50837 (PBI) | Reporting | N/A | REP 23019004 | Added additional information to the data model of the Mini Purchase Order report. |
53093 (PBI) | Reporting | N/A | REP 1306 REP1307 REP23019004 REP23019008 | The following report layouts were updated: Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Memo, Purchase Order and Posted Whse. Shipment. |
53450 (PBI) | Reporting | N/A | REP1305 | The Word layout for the "Mini Sales - Order Conf." report was improved. The report's style was overhauled, with an emphasis placed on "Sales Price Unit of Measure" visibility. |
54445 | Sales and Marketing | Critical | PAG5814 | Received an "Attempted to divide by zero" error message when assigning item charges on a sales order. This has been fixed. |
49376 | Sales and Marketing | High | COD23019851 | Receiving an error message that the date is not valid when making a sales order from a blanket sales order. This has been fixed. |
54701 | Sales and Marketing | High | When creating a new Sales Credit Memo and using Copy Document from a Posted Sales Invoice, the Net Weight in the Item Tracking was not copying over. The same issue was occurring with the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action. This has been resolved. | |
44432 | Sales and Marketing | Medium | TAB111 TAB113 TAB115 TAB6661 | The Sales Line had a Back Order Tolerance % field that shared the same number as the Total Catch Weight field on the Sales Invoice Line, Sales Shipment Line, Sales Cr. Memo Line and the Return Receipt Line. This has been fixed. |
52658 | Sales and Marketing | Medium | REP23019363 | Cannot run the Sales Blanket Order Status report. This has been fixed. |
53328 | Sales and Marketing | Medium | COD87 | When a blanket sales order is created, the comments associated with the customer flows into the blanket. When a sales order is then created from this blanket order via 'Make Order', we get an error message indicating that the comment lines already exists (referencing the new sales order no.) and thus a sales order does not actually get created. This has been fixed |
53357 | Sales and Marketing | Medium | COD7000 | Line discounts were calculated on sales lines even when the customer's "Allow Line Disc." flag was set to 'No'. This has been resolved. Note that users can still enter a Line Discount % manually. This is by design. |
54757 | Sales and Marketing | Medium | COD80 | You were unable to post a variable weight item if the sales price unit of measure didn't exist. This has been fixed. Variable weight items no longer need a sales price unit of measure. |
54856 | Sales and Marketing | Medium | PAG508 | The following fields are missing from the Open Blanket Sales Order: Unit Discount (SP UOM) & and Unit Price (Sales Price UOM). This has been fixed. |
49489 | Sales and Marketing | N/A | REP 1307 | The Mini Sales-Credit Memo report was updated to reflect the JF functionalities. |
50179 | Sales and Marketing | N/A | REP1305 REP1306 REP23019004 REP23019008 | Updated DataSets in the following reports to make more fields available to FPP Word report designers: Mini Sales - Order Conf. Mini Sales - Invoice Mini Purchase - Order Mini Whse. - Posted Shipment |
50812 (PBI) | Sales and Marketing | N/A | PAG459 PAG46 TAB311 TAB37 | Added the Default Qty. to Invoice field to the Sales & Receivables Setup page. |
54627 | Sales and Marketing | N/A | PAG47 | The Line Net Weight to Invoice and Line Net Weight Invoiced fields have been removed from the open Sales Invoice Lines. |
54628 | Sales and Marketing | N/A | PAG133 PAG135 PAG6631 PAG6661 TAB6661 | The Sales Price UOM field was added to the following pages: Posted Sales Invoice Subform Posted Sales Credit Memo Subform Posted Return Receipt Subform The Unit Price (Sales UOM) field was added to the following pages: Open Sales Return Order Subform Posted Return Receipt Subform |
54629 | Sales and Marketing | N/A | PAG133 PAG135 PAG47 PAG6631 PAG6661 PAG96 TAB111 TAB113 TAB115 TAB6661 | The Unit Discount (SP UOM) field was added to the following pages: Open Sales Invoices lines Open Sales Credit Memo Open Sales Return Order lines Posted Sales Invoice lines Posted Credit Memo lines Posted Return Receipt lines |
50361 | Scheduler | Critical | N/A | When attempting to log into Scheduler, where the service tier resides on an azure machine, the message 401 Unauthorized is received. |
50387 | Scheduler | High | N/A | When Scheduler attempts to access a web service that hasn't been initialized, it crashes, instead of creating a meaningful message to the user. This has been fixed. |
43229 | Scheduler | Medium | COD23019493 | When users try to move a production order task into an area with non available time, they are not allowed to manually schedule the task. This has been fixed. |
39918 (PBI) | Scheduler | N/A | N/A | The Monthly view was changed to only show 5 weeks. |
51399 | Variable Weight | Critical | N/A | The Sales Amount (Actual) value is incorrect on ledger entries for a Variable Weight-Lot Everywhere Item. This issue could not be reproduced and no objects were changed. |
51431 | Variable Weight | Critical | COD80 | Value entries are incorrect when posting a surcharge against Serial Everywhere variable weight items. This has been fixed. |
51388 | Variable Weight | High | PAG5780 | Unable to invoice a Sales document when a user changes the net weight on the pick and registers the pick. This has been fixed. |
53469 | Variable Weight | High | COD23019008 COD6500 COD7307 COD99000830 COD99000837 TAB337 | When creating a project production order from a sales order, the Net Weight fields are not being properly set in the item tracking. This has been fixed. |
50382 | Variable Weight | Medium | PAG6510 | The Net Weight Handled field on Sales Credit Item Tracking Lines is not populated. This has been fixed. |
51572 | Variable Weight | Medium | PAG10039 PAG10043 PAG403 | The Dimmed Weight on Statistics page is not taking into consideration the weight from the item tracking. This has been fixed. |
51595 | Variable Weight | Medium | COD23019008 COD23019552 PAG23019565 TAB23019527 | From a Posted Direct Transfer, the Statistics page was not being populated. This has been resolved. |
52908 | Variable Weight | Medium | REP23019007 | An error was occurring when the Bin filter was applied to Item Ledger Entries. This has been fixed. |
52984 | Variable Weight | Medium | N/A | The Net weight entered on the item tracking lines of the Sales Credit Memo does not flow through to the Line Net Weight field on the Sales Credit Memo page. This issue could not be reproduced. No changes were made. |
54248 | Variable Weight | Medium | COD5705 COD6500 | When completing a transfer order, intransit location item ledger entries were not recording weights. This has been fixed. |
46451 (PBI) | Variable Weight | N/A | COD13 COD23019650 | Added the ability to have sales rebates calculated based on Variable Weight. |
46452 (PBI) | Variable Weight | N/A | COD23019670 COD80 PAG23019689 TAB23019670 TAB23019688 | Added the ability to have commissions calculated based on Variable Weight. |
49723 (PBI) | Variable Weight | N/A | COD23019008 COD23019650 COD23019731 | Added the ability to have Purchase Rebates calculated based on Variable Weight. |
50429 (PBI) | Variable Weight | N/A | COD80 PAG46 PAG47 TAB37 | Added the ability to apply a discount on a sales document in the Sales Price Unit of Measure field. |
50332 | Warehouse and Inventory | High | COD14000844 COD7302 PAG5404 TAB37 TAB39 TAB404 TAB5741 | When I look at the movement lines in the Warehouse Entries, I expected the Net Weight on the movement line from the Transfer From Location to the Transfer To Location to match, but it appears that if the item has a package weight, the package weight is included in the To-Location but not in the from Location. |
53233 | Warehouse and Inventory | High | COD7312 | Fixed an issue with attempting to create a pick for an item that is serial-tracked Inbound and Outbound, but does not have serial tracking turned on for the warehouse. The Create Pick function would fail with 'Quantity (Base) must be 0 or 1 when Serial No. is stated'. This has been resolved. |
54382 | Warehouse and Inventory | High | COD6500 COD7307 COD7313 PAG7345 PAG7351 PAG7352 REP7305 TAB7326 | When attempting to register a put-away, net weight to handle error occurred. This has been fixed. |
44781 | Warehouse and Inventory | Medium | PAG23019732 PAG393 PAG40 PAG46 PAG54 PAG5510 PAG5769 PAG7336 PAG99000823 PAG99000846 | After a user posts a line in the Item Reclass Journal page, the Item Tracking field is not cleared. This issue has been fixed on multiple pages. |
43530 | Warehouse and Inventory | Medium | COD23019004 | When changing an item, and then posting a purchase order with the new item number, an error was occurred saying the PO was blocked due to dimensions. This has been fixed. |
50971 | Warehouse and Inventory | Medium | COD22 | An error message should pop up indicating that the Lot Information does not exist when using item reclass. to change the lot number for an item that has item tracking set to "lot no must exist". This has been fixed. |
51370 | Warehouse and Inventory | Medium | COD7307 | When registering a pick for a warehouse shipment, the system would allow the pick to be registered without a serial number if the Item's Tracking "SN Warehouse Tracking" were unchecked -- even if Serial Number tracking would actually be required to post the actual shipment. This would result in shipments stuck with tracking that could not be posted. Pick registering has been updated to block transaction if it would result in tracking that could not be posted. |
51376 | Warehouse and Inventory | Medium | PAG23019034 | Unable to select a purchase code when setting up vendor surcharges. The issue was caused when the "Purch. Type" was not triggered upon changing the option to vendor. This has been fixed to allow the "Purch. Code" field to be edited. |
52954 | Warehouse and Inventory | Medium | COD6500 COD7307 COD7312 TAB5767 TAB6550 | Cannot delete pick due to weight and split reservation entries. This has been fixed. |
53113 | Warehouse and Inventory | Medium | TAB39 | Fixed an issue when using lot algorithms with "Include Source Doc. Line No." If a purchase line for an item had its "No." field changed, the line's "Item Line No." field would unexpectedly be recalculated. (The "Item Line No." field is the one that's actually used by the Lot Algorithm.) This has been resolved. |
51326 | Warehouse and Inventory | Low | PAG23019028 | The Inventory Overview message had spelling error when View By was set to Serial. This has been fixed. |
53232 | Warehouse and Inventory | Low | TAB5769 | Warehouse Setup caption fixed for field "Default Put-away Qty.to Handle". |
49491 | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | COD23019028 COD23019470 MEN1059 PAG23019149 (new) PAG23019033 (new) PAG9650 TAB23019033 TAB9650 | Added the ability to set up specific label reports based on Item, Vendor, and Location combinations. |
49710 (PBI) | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | PAG461 | The Item UOM Rounding Precision field was added to the Inventory Setup page. |
50102 | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | COD5760 TAB14 | Added a new option called Always to the Delete Whse. Receipt Line Rule for Locations. This new option will delete Warehouse Receipts Lines automatically in all scenarios. |
50115 (PBI) | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | COD23019028 PAG38 TAB23019033 | Label printing from the Item Ledger Entry was updated to use the new label configuration setup. |
50143 (PBI) | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | PAG6510 PAG6512 TAB6502 COD23019455 COD23019468 | Default item properties were added for lot tracked items. |
50492 | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | PAG5775 TAB5769 TAB7317 | Added a new setup field to Warehouse Setup called "Default Whse. Receipt Qty. to Receive". |
50495 | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | PAG5775 TAB5769 TAB73121 | Added a new setup field to Warehouse Setup called "Default Whse. Shipment Qty. to Ship." |
51065 (PBI) | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | COD14002362 COD14002363 COD23019456 COD23019555 COD23019750 COD23019760 (Deleted) COD23019762 COD23019823 COD7302 REP23019826 TAB37 | The Item Tracking Redux code unit is no longer required. It has been removed, and the code has been redirected to look at the functions on the Item Tracking Lines page (6510). |
53478 (PBI) | Warehouse and Inventory | N/A | COD241 COD242 PAG102 REP23019508 TAB82 | Updates to automatic label printing when posting from the Item Journal in the JustFood Windows client. |