JustFood includes some customized Family functions. To learn more about these functions, in the table below, select the links.
To | See |
Set up the planning overage percentage, which is used to determine if an item overage is displayed on the Family Production Worksheet page, on the Family Overages FactBox. | Set up Planning Overage Percentage |
Create a family group, which is used to group similar families. | Create a Family Group |
Create a family BOM, which contains the one or more items that will be consumed to produce the items in the family. | Create a Family BOM |
Create a family with a header BOM, which is used to define what one or more item will be consumed and produced. | Create a Family with a Header BOM |
Calculate family planning, which is used to calculate which families must be produced to satisfy demand. | Calculate Family Planning |
View a walkthrough that describes how to create items that will be used when working with families. | Walkthrough: Create Family Items |
View a walkthrough that describes how to work with families including creating a family, calculating family planning, and processing a family production order. | Walkthrough: Work with Families |