Create a Family with a Header BOM
You can create a family with a header bill of material (BOM). This family BOM contains the one or more items that will be consumed to make the family items.
After the family BOM is defined, you can add the items that will be produced. You can indicate how many items will be produced, how the header BOM costs will be distributed, and when an item is to be considered when calculating family planning.
To create a family with a header BOM
Choose , enter families, and then choose the related link.
The Families page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
In the No. field, enter the number of the family.
If families share the same family BOM, you may want to keep the family numbers similar, for example, BEEF-RIBEYE, BEEF-RIBEYE-A, BEEF-RIBEYE-B and so on.
In the Description field, enter a description of the family.
If you want to group families together, in the Family Group Code field, select a value.
In the Family BOM No. field, select the family BOM that contains the one or more items that will be consumed to produce the family line items.
The BOM must be certified.
In the Routing No. field, select a certified routing number.
On the Lines, add the family items that are to be produced when the family BOM item is consumed.
The Family BOM Overview FactBox displays the family BOM item in blue. The bold black lines are the line items within the family. The non-bold lines are the components of the BOMs of the individual lines.
To add the family items that are to be produced when the family BOM item is consumed, on each line, perform the following steps:
In the Item No. field, select the item to be produced.
The Production BOM No. and Routing No. fields pull in the values from the selected item. If required, the BOM and routing numbers can be changed.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of items to be produced.
This value is used to calculate the Quantity (Std. Weight UOM) field, which is the quantity multiplied by the item's net weight.
If you want to enter the quantity using a Unit of Measure (UOM) that is different than the base UOM, enter values in the Alternate Quantity and Alternate Unit of Measure Code fields.
The Quantity and Quantity (Std. Weight UOM) fields will then be updated to reflect the updated alternate quantity and alternate UOM.
In the Output Type field, select whether the item is Primary, Secondary or Other.
Primary items are considered when calculating family planning from the Planning Worksheet page.
In the Planning Order field, if an item has a Primary output type in more than one family, enter a unique value.
The item with the lowest planning number is given priority during planning.
In the Family BOM Cost Dist. % field, enter the percentage that indicates how the costs of the family BOM will be distributed across the family line items.
The cost distributions will be pushed to production orders, and must equal 100 before a production order can be finished.
If required, in the Production BOM No. field, select a production BOM number.
On the General FastTab, change the Status field to Certified.
JustFood checks that all the BOMs and routings are certified, and that the Planning Order field has a unique value for items that are primary in more than one family.