Item Recalls
The JustFood Item Recall functionality provides the capability for you to generate an item recall that is based on a series of filters, such as item number, lot number, and serial number.
In the generated recall, you can look at a purchased item, and see where the item was used and where the item was sold. This method is referred to as an Origin -> Usage recall method.
Alternatively, you can look at a sold item, see where the item was used, and where the item was purchased. This method is referred to as a Usage -> Origin recall method.
To learn more about the JustFood Item Recall functionality, in the following table, select the links.
To | See |
To learn how to set up the number series for Item Recalls. | Set Up Number Series for Item Recalls |
To learn how to create an Item Recall. | Create an Item Recall |
To learn how to post an Item Recall. | Post an Item Recall |
To learn how to create an Item Recall report. | Create an Item Recall Report |
To learn how to create a Posted Item Recall report. | Create a Posted Item Recall Report |
View a walkthrough for an origin to usage recall. | Walkthrough: Performing an Item Recall (Original to Usage) |
View a walkthrough for a usage to origin usage recall. | Walkthrough: Performing an Item Recall (Usage to Origin) |
View a walkthrough that describes setting up and sending a general notification when an item recall is posted. | Walkthrough: Setting up and Sending a General Notification for a Posted Item Recall |