Post an Item Recall
After an Item Recall is created and performed, to indicate that the Item Recall is completed, you can post the Item Recall.
On the Posted Item Recalls page, you can view posted Item Recalls.
If Process Segment is turned on, the generated segment can be accessed from the Segments page.
An Item Recall has been created. For more information, see Create an Item Recall
The recall must have at least one line.
To post an Item Recall
Choose , enter item recalls, and then choose the related link.
The Item Recalls page opens.
Select the Item Recall that you want to post, and then on the action bar choose Manage > Edit.
The Item Recall page opens.
(Optional) If desired, in the Posting Date field, change the date.
On the action bar, choose Process > Post.
A dialog box appears and displays the following question:
Do you want to post the Item Recall?
Choose Yes.
The item recall is posted, and can now be found on the Posted Item Recalls page.