Create a Bulk Pick
JustFood provides the capability for you to create a bulk pick. Bulk picking can be used when one item is required for different production orders.
Instead of picking the item separately for each production order, bulk picking calculates the following:
Quantity of the items that are required for all of the selected production orders.
The one or more bins from which the items are to be picked.
Production orders have been defined.
Sufficient inventory exists in the bins at the selected location.
The To-Production bin of the location does not already have enough inventory to fulfill the production orders.
To create a bulk pick
Choose , enter inventory movements, and then choose the related link.
The Inventory Movements page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
The Invt. Movement page opens.
On the General FastTab, perform the following steps:
In the No. field, enter a value.
In the Location Code field, select a value.
On the action bar, choose Process > Bulk Pick Production.
The Bulk Pick Production page opens.
In the Options section, perform one of the following steps:
If you want to move the full amount and place the amount in the new bin, turn on Move Full Break Bulk Quantity.
If you want to break the bulk item, and only move the required amount, ensure that Move Full Break Bulk Quantity is turned off.
If on the Location Card page, on the Bin Policies FastTab, Allow Breakbulk is turned off, any items that are not in consumable units will not be added to the bulk pick, and the Move Full Break Bulk Quantity setting will be ignored.
In the Prod. Order Component section, enter the required filters.
You must specify a location filter.
Choose OK.
The system returns the entries that fulfill all the production orders for the location and the related filters.
If there is not enough inventory to fulfill the production orders, only the available inventory is listed for the bulk pick. For example, if the production orders called for 660kgs of flour, but only 500kgs were in inventory, the bulk pick will only display 500kgs.