Create a Preventative Maintenance Procedure
A Preventative Maintenance (PM) Procedure consists of the measurements and tasks that must be performed to properly maintain machine centers, work centers, and fixed assets.
To create a PM Procedure
From the Prev. Maintenance Technician role center home page, choose + PM Procedure.
The PM Procedure page opens.
On the General FastTab, perform the following steps:
In the Description field, specify a descriptive name for the PM Procedure.
In the Code field, if the field is not automatically populated with a value that is based on the number series, specify a value.
In the PM Group Code field, select a code.
In the Type field, select a value.
In the No. field, specify the number that is associated with the value in the Type field.
In the Person Responsible field, specify the employee that is responsible for the PM Procedure.
On the Scheduling FastTab, perform the following steps:
In the PM Scheduling Type field, select the scheduling type that is to be used to determine when the PM Procedure is to be scheduled.
In the Work Order Freq. field, specify the frequency that maintenance must be performed.
On the Lines, to specify the various PM measures that must be performed for this PM Procedure, perform the following steps for each line:
In the PM Step Code field, specify the order in which the PM measures are to be performed, for example, 1, 2, and so on.
In the PM Measure Code field, specify the code that is associated with the task that must be completed or the measurement that must be taken.
The Description and Value Type fields are automatically populated based on the selected PM Measure Code.
If applicable, specify a value for the PM Unit of Measure.
The PM Unit of Measure only applies for particular value types.
In the Desired Value field, specify the value that a user performing an inspection must see before continuing their inspection.
Note:If the Value Type is Code, the Desired Value must be an allowable value from the PM Measure Code Values page.
To specify that if the PM measure fails, the entire PM Work Order fails, select the Critical Control Point field.
In the No. Results field, specify the number of results.
In the Result Calc. Type field, specify whether the result calculation type is to be based on Mean, Median, or Mode.
If the Value Type is Decimal, in the Decimal Min field, specify the minimum number of decimals for the measurement.
If the Value Type is Decimal, in the Decimal Max field, specify the maximum number of decimals for the measurement.
In the Qualification Code field, specify a code.
In the Employee No. field, specify the number that is associated with the employee that is responsible for performing this procedural step.
In the PM Measure Cost field, specify the cost that is associated with this PM Measure.
In the Decimal Rounding Precision field, specify when decimal rounding is to occur.
In the PM Item Consumption field, to specify that item consumption processing is to occur, select the link that appears for the No value, and then on the PM Proc. Item Consumption page, perform the following steps for each record that you want to create:
Choose New.
In the Item No. field, specify the number that is associated with the item for which you want to add.
The Description and Unit of Measure fields are automatically populated.
In the Quantity Installed field, specify the number of items to be installed.
In the Planned Usage Qty. field, specify the number of items that are planned to be used.
In the PM Resources field, to specify that equipment is required, select the link that appears for the No value, and then on the PM Proc. Equipment Req. page, perform the following steps for each record that you want to create:
Choose New.
The Type field is automatically populated with the value of Equipment.
In the No. field, specify the number that is associated with the equipment that is required for the PM Procedure.
The Description field is automatically populated.
In the PM Comments field, to specify a comment for the PM Procedure, select the link that appears for the No value, and then on the PM Proc. Comments page, perform the following steps:
Choose New.
In the Comments field, enter a comment.
In the PM Fault Possibilities field, to specify fault possibilities, select the link that appears for the No value, and then on the PM Fault Possibilities page, perform the following steps:
Choose New.
In the PM Fault Area field, specify a code that represents a fault area.
In the PM Fault Code field, specify a code that represents a fault.
In the Description field, specify a description.
In the PM Fault Effect field, specify a code that represents a fault effect.
In the PM Fault Reason field, specify a code that represents a fault reason.
In the PM Fault Resolution field, specify a code that represents a fault resolution.
On the General FastTab, change the Status field to Certified.
The status must be certified for PM Work Orders to be processed.