Create a Preventative Maintenance Work Order
To manage Preventative Maintenance (PM), create a PM Work Order. After a PM Work Order has been created, and an inspection has been performed, the PM Work Order can be posted.
A PM Procedure has been created. For more information, see Create a Preventative Maintenance Procedure.
To create a PM Work Order
From the Prev. Maintenance Technician role center home page, choose + PM Work Order.
The Work Order page opens.
On the General FastTab, place the cursor in the Description field.
Typically, when the cursor is placed in the Description field, the PM Work Order No. field is automatically populated with a value that is based on the number series.
If the PM Work Order No. field was not automatically populated, specify a value.
On the action bar, choose Actions > Functions > Get PM Procedure.
The Preventative Maintenance Procedures page opens and displays a list of procedures.
Select the PM Procedure that you want to add to the PM Work Order, and then choose OK.
A dialog box appears and asks whether you would like to create a PM Work Order from the PM Procedure that you selected.
Choose Yes.
A dialog box appears and displays a message that indicates a PM Work Order has been created.
To close the dialog box, choose OK.
You are returned to the PM Work Order page. The fields on the page have been populated with the details from the PM Procedure that was selected.
(Optional) Make updates to fields on the PM Work Order, for example, on the Scheduling FastTab, you can update the Maintenance Time and Maintenance UOM fields with the estimated time that is required to perform the procedure.