Walkthrough: Create a Preventative Maintenance Procedure
This walkthrough demonstrates the steps that are required to create a Preventative Maintenance (PM) procedure for a monthly inspection against the Packaging Line 1 work center 400.
On the PM Groups page, a Code exists with the value of MACHINE.
On the Work Centers page, a No. exists with the value of 400.
On the Employees page, a No. exists with the value of FJ.
On the PM Steps page, a Code exists with the value of 1.
On the PM Measure Codes page, a Code exists with the value of INSPECTION.
To create a PM procedure
From the Prev. Maintenance Technician role center home page, choose + PM Procedure.
The PM Procedure page opens.
On the General FastTab, perform the following steps:
In the Description field, type Packaging Line Maintenance.
In the Code field, if the field is not automatically populated with a value that is based on the number series, specify a value.
In the PM Group Code field, select MACHINE.
In the Type field, select Work Center.
In the No. field, specify the number 400.
This packaging line maintenance is to be processed against the Packaging Line 1 work center 400.
In the Person Responsible field, type FJ.
Frank Johnson (FJ) is the employee that is responsible for performing the PM procedure.
On the Scheduling FastTab, perform the following steps:
In the PM Scheduling Type field, ensure that Calendar is selected.
When a PM Scheduling Type of Calendar is selected, you can enter a PM Work Order frequency. The frequency specifies how frequently a PM Work Order for a PM Procedure must be completed.
In the Work Order Freq. field, type 1M.
The value of 1M indicates the maintenance must be performed on the packaging line once a month.
On the Lines, to specify the various PM measures that must be performed for this PM procedure, perform the following steps:
In the PM Step Code field, type 1.
The PM Step Code identifies the order in which the PM measures are to be performed.
In the PM Measure Code field, select INSPECTION.
The Description and Value Type fields are automatically populated based on the selected PM Measure Code.
The PM Unit of Measure field remains blanks because the field does not apply for this value type.
In the Desired Value field, type Yes.
The Desired Value field for the inspection procedure is Yes because an indication that the inspection has been completed is required before moving onto the next step.
When the PM Work Order is completed, JustFood looks to this value to determine whether the step has passed or failed.
Note:If the Value Type is Code, the Desired Value must be an allowable value from the PM Measure Code Values page.
To specify that if the PM measure fails, the entire PM Work Order fails, select the Critical Control Point field.
On the General FastTab, change the Status field to Certified.
The status must be certified for PM Work Orders to be processed.