Walkthrough: Perform a Quality Hold Quality Audit
This walkthrough demonstrates how to generate a quality audit for an item that is on a quality hold.
An item that has been put on a quality hold is not considered to be in inventory, and will not be part of an availability calculation. A quality hold is often used for damaged items. A company may want to audit the items on hold to see whether any items can be returned to inventory.
In quality hold quality audits, the audited quantity must be tracked. Items on hold cannot be released when an open quality hold quality audit exists.
About This Walkthrough
This walkthrough demonstrates the following tasks:
Set up a quality hold quality audit, including how to:
Create Quality Measure Codes
Create a quality procedure
Generate a quality hold quality audit
Perform a quality hold quality audit, including how to adjust the audited quantity, and to release items
On the Quality Setup page, on the Numbering FastTab, in the Quality Procedure Setup Nos. field, a number series has been defined.
On the Quality Setup page, on the Numbering FastTab, in the Quality Audit Nos. field, a number series has been defined.
500 lbs of SUGAR WHITE ICING (R100420) was put on hold. For information about how to put an item on a quality hold, see the Placing an Item on Quality Hold Walkthrough.
The roof leaked at the JF Company, and some sugar was damaged. Five hundred pounds of sugar were put on quality hold, and now Clara must perform a quality audit on the sugar to see what can be returned to inventory and what must be disposed of. Only a certain amount of sugar can be examined at one time, so Clara will complete two quality audits on the quality hold items.
During the first audit of the sugar, Clara examines 300 pounds and finds that 90 pounds of sugar can be released into inventory. Clara then records the amount that was audited, and releases the 90 pounds back in to inventory. A second quality audit is automatically generated when the first quality audit is posted.
During the next audit of the sugar, the remaining 200 pounds are examined, and this time 75 pounds of sugar can be released into inventory. Clara then records the remaining amount that was audited, and releases the 75 pounds back in to inventory.
Set Up a Quality Hold Quality Audit
To set up a quality hold quality audit, Clara must perform the following tasks:
Set rules for posting a quality hold quality audit
Create Quality measure Codes
Create a quality procedure
The rules must be set to indicate what happens when a quality hold quality audit is posted.
Items on a quality hold are only visually checked, so Clara only has to create the QH CHECK Quality Measure Code.
A quality procedure can be created that is specific to quality holds. From the Quality Hold No. Contents page, a quality hold quality audit can be generated.
For the JF company, Clara creates a Quality Hold Check quality procedure.
To set rules for posting a quality hold quality audit
Choose , enter quality setup, and then choose the related link.
The Quality Setup page opens.
On the General FastTab, perform the following steps:
Turn on QA Posting Releases QH.
When QA Posting Releases QH is turned on, when a quality hold quality audit is posted, any items marked for release are removed from quality hold.
Turn on QA Post Copies Rem. QH Audit Qty. to New QA.
When QA Post Copies Rem. QH Audit Qty. to New QA is turned on, when a quality hold quality audit is posted, a new quality audit is created for any items that still require an audit.
On the Quality Holds FastTab, in the System QH Release Batch field, select a value.
To create Quality Measure Codes
Choose , enter quality measure codes, and then choose the related link.
The Quality Measure Codes page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
Add the following record:
Code Description Value Type QH CHECK Quality Hold Check Text
To create a quality procedure
Choose , enter quality procedures, and then choose the related link.
The Quality Procedures page opens.
On the action bar, choose New > New.
The Quality Procedure Setup page opens.
On the General FastTab, perform the following steps:
In the Description field, enter Quality Hold Check.
In the Type field, select Quality Hold Remedial Actions.
Turn on Open QA on Creation.
After a quality audit is created, the Quality Audit page will open.
On the Lines, add the following records.
Quality Measure Code Description QH CHECK Enter the quantity audited. QH CHECK Enter quantity to be released. On the General FastTab, change the Status field to Certified.
Generate a Quality Hold Quality Audit
After a quality hold quality audit is set up, Clara can generate a quality hold quality audit.
To generate a quality hold quality audit
Choose , enter quality hold no. contents, and then choose the related link.
The Quality Hold No. Contents page opens.
Select the quality hold for which a quality hold is to be created, in this case, SUGAR WHITE ICING (R100420).
On the action bar, choose Actions > Functions > Create QA Remedial Actions.
The Quality Procedures page opens and displays a list of all the quality procedures where the Type field is equal to Quality Hold Remedial Actions.
Select the Quality Hold Check quality procedure.
Choose OK.
A quality audit is created.
A dialog box appears and displays a message that indicates that a quality audit was created.
To close the dialog box, choose OK.
The Quality Audit page opens because Open QA on Creation was turned on for the quality procedure.
In the Statistics FactBox, the Test Complete field displays that the quality audit has not been completed.
The Hold Quantity to Audit (Base) field displays the number of items on hold that are still to be audited.
Perform a Quality Hold Quality Audit
Clara performs a quality audit on 300 pounds of the sugar, and finds that 90 pounds can be released back in to inventory. After the quality hold quality audit is posted, the 90 pounds of sugar are released into inventory, and a quality audit is created for the remaining 200 pounds of sugar.
Clara then performs a second quality audit on the 200 pounds of sugar, and finds that 75 pounds can be released back in to inventory. After the second quality hold quality audit is posted, the 75 pounds of sugar are released into inventory. A new quality audit is NOT created because all of the hold quantity has been audited.
To perform the first quality audit
Choose , enter quality hold no. contents, and then choose the related link.
The Quality Hold No. Contents page opens.
Select the quality hold that is associated with the quality audit that was created.
On the action bar, choose Navigate > Entry > Quality Audits.
The Quality Audits page opens.
Select the quality audit, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Quality Audit page opens.
On the Lines, enter the results of the audit that are listed in the following table.
| Description | Result Value | Result | Test Complete | | Enter the quantity audited. | 300 LB | N/A | Select check box. | | Enter quantity to be released. | 90 LB | N/A | Select check box. |
Do not post the quality audit yet.
To adjust the audited quantity, and to release items
On the Quality Audit page, on the Statistics FactBox, in the Hold Quantity to Audit (Base) field, select the link that appears for the value.
The Quality Audit Hold Tracking page opens.
On the action bar, choose Edit List.
In the Audited Quantity (Base) field, enter 300.
This amount is the amount that the Clara checked.
In the Quantity to Release field, enter 90.
This amount is the amount that is to be released back in to inventory.
Close the Quality Audit Hold Tracking page.
On the Quality Audit page, the Remaining Hold Quantity to Audit (Base) field, is changed to 200.
On the action bar, choose Process > Post.
A dialog box appears.
To post the quality audit, choose Yes.
A dialog box appears.
To acknowledge that a new quality audit was created, choose OK.
This quality audit is for the remaining 200 pounds of sugar. The new quality audit opens.
A dialog box appears.
To acknowledge that the first quality audit was posted, choose OK.
The Hold Quantity to Audit (Base) field now displays 200.
On the Quality Hold No. Contents page, the quantity on hold is now 410 pounds because 90 pounds were released back in to inventory.
To perform the second quality audit
On the Quality Audit page, on the Lines, enter the results of the audit as displayed in the following table.
Description Result Value Result Test Complete Enter the quantity audited. 200 lbs N/A Select check box. Enter quantity to be released. 75 lbs N/A Select check box. Do not post the quality audit yet.
To adjust the audited quantity, and to release items
On the Quality Audit page, on the Statistics FactBox, in the Hold Quantity to Audit (Base) field, select the link that appears for the value.
The Quality Audit Hold Tracking page opens.
On the action bar, choose Edit List.
In the Audited Quantity (Base) field, enter 200.
This amount is the amount that Clara checked.
In the Quantity to Release field, enter 75.
This amount is the amount to release back in to inventory.
Close the Quality Audit Hold Tracking page.
On the Quality Audit page, the Remaining Hold Quantity to Audit (Base) field, is changed to 0.
On the Quality Audit page, choose Process > Post.
A dialog box appears.
To post the quality audit, choose Yes.
A dialog box appears and displays a message that indicates that the quality audit was posted.
To close the dialog box, choose OK.
No more quality audits are created because all of the hold items had been audited.
On the Quality Hold No. Contents page, the quantity on hold is now 335 pounds because 75 additional pounds were released back in to inventory.