Walkthrough: Place an Item on Quality Hold
This walkthrough demonstrates how to put an item on a quality hold, and then release the item from the quality hold.
An item that has been put on a quality hold is not considered to be in inventory, and will not be part of an availability calculation. A quality hold is often used for damaged items.
About This Walkthrough
This walkthrough demonstrates the following tasks:
Set up quality hold permissions
Placing an item on hold
View an item on hold
Release items on hold
Move items on hold
Reason Codes are defined.
On the No. Series page, number series have been defined for quality holds.
Inventory exists in a bin, in this case, at the SEATTLE location, 6 cases of the YOGIES 12/5 OZ MILK CHOC PRTZL (F100040) item are in the OUTBOUND bin.
A bin exists where you're going to move your damaged items, in this case, at the SEATTLE location, the DAMAGES bin.
Function Background
The Quality Hold Journal is used to put items on hold. Items can be put on hold based on location, lot number, bin code, and container number, serial number, or both.
Items on hold can be moved within a location using the Item Reclass. Journal page or the Floor application.
A Quality Hold Valuation report can be run, which shows the location, lot number, cost, and quantity of the items on hold.
The roof leaked at the JF Company and in the OUTBOUND bin, 6 cases of YOGIES 12/5 OZ MILK CHOC PRTZL (F100040) LOT0000307 appear to be damaged. Ivan puts the 6 cases on hold. During Ivan's inspection, Ivan finds 2 of the cases were found to be undamaged. Ivan releases these 2 cases back in to inventory. Ivan moves the remaining 4 damaged cases to the DAMAGES bin.
Set Up Quality Hold Permissions
Choose , enter approval user setup, and then choose the related link.
The Approval User Setup page opens.
If required, to add a user, on the action bar, choose New, and then in the User ID field, enter a value.
For the user who will be managing quality holds, select the Allow Quality Hold Release check box.
This action allows the user to release items that are on quality hold.
For the user who will be managing quality holds, select the Allow Quality Hold Transfer check box.
This action allows the user to move items on quality hold using the Item Reclass. Journal page or the Floor application.
Placing an Item on Hold
Choose , enter quality hold journal, and then choose the related link.
The Quality Hold Journal page opens.
To create a batch name, perform the following steps:
In the Batch Name, choose Look up value.
The Quality Hold Batches page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
In the Name field, enter IVAN.
In the Description field, enter Ivan-Inspector.
Leave the Reason Code field blank.
In the No. Series field, select QHJNL.
Choose OK.
On the Quality Hold Journal page, to delete any existing lines, select the lines, and then choose Manage > Delete.
On the action bar, choose Actions > Functions > Calc. Quality Hold Lines.
The Calc. Quality Hold Lines page opens.
Under Show results, in the Where field, ensure that Location Code is selected, and then in the is field, select the location that includes the item to put on hold.
Under Show results, in the first And field, ensure that Bin Code is selected, and then in the is field, select the Bin Code that includes the item to put on hold.
Under Show results, in the second And field, ensure that Item No. is selected, and then in the is field, select the item that you want to put on hold.
Under Limit totals to, in the first And field, ensure that Lot No. Filter is selected, and then in the is field, enter the lot number of the damaged item.
Choose OK.
Matching records are returned to the Quality Hold Journal page.
On the Quality Hold Journal page, to delete any lines that include items that you do not want to put on hold, select the lines, and then choose Manage > Delete.
In the Quantity (Base) field, change the value to 6.
In the Reason Code field, select SPOILDMG.
In the Note field, enter Water damage.
On the action bar, choose Process > Post.
A dialog box appears.
To post the journal lines, choose Yes.
A dialog box appears.
To close the dialog box, choose OK.
The quality hold journal lines are deleted.
The item quantity that was specified on the journal line is now on a quality hold and removed from available inventory.
View an Item on Hold
Choose icon, enter items, and then choose the related link.
The Items page opens.
Select the item that was put on hold, in this case, YOGIES 12/5 OZ MILK CHOC PRTZL (F100040), and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Item Card page opens.
The Quantity on Quality Hold field displays the number of items that are on hold.
In the Quantity on Quality Hold field, select the link that appears for the value.
The Quality Hold Entries page opens and displays the details of the quality hold.
Release Items on Hold
Choose , enter quality hold journal, and then choose the related link.
The Quality Hold Journal page opens.
Select a batch name.
If required, to delete any existing lines, select the lines, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > Delete.
On the action bar, choose Actions > Functions > Get QH Release Lines.
The Get QH No. Contents page opens.
In the Where field, ensure that Quality Hold No. is selected, and then in the is field, enter the quality hold number.
Choose OK.
Matching records are returned to the Quality Hold Journal page.
In the Quantity (Base) field, enter 2.
Only 4 cases were damaged so the remaining 2 can be released back in to inventory.
In the Reason Code field, select INVADJ (Inventory Adjustment).
In the Note field, enter Item not damaged.
This value indicates the reason the item is being released from the quality hold.
On the action bar, choose Process > Post.
A dialog box appears.
To post the journal line, choose Yes.
A dialog box appears, and displays a message that indicates the journal lines were successfully posted.
To close the dialog box, choose OK.
The quality hold journal lines are deleted.
The item quantity that was specified on the journal line is now removed from the quality hold, and placed into available inventory.
The Item Card page displays the new quality hold quantity as 4.
The Quality Hold Entries page now displays a record with the Entry Type of Release.
Move Items on Hold
Choose , enter item reclassification journals, and then choose the related link.
The Item Reclassification Journals page opens.
In the Batch Name field, specify a value.
If required, to delete any existing lines, choose Manage > Delete.
In the Document No. field, enter a document number.
In the Item No. field, select F100040.
In the Location Code field, select SEATTLE.
In the Bin Code field, select OUTBOUND.
In the New Bin Code field, select DAMAGES.
In the Quality Hold No. field, select the quality hold number.
In the Quantity field, enter 4.
This number is the number of items that you want to move.
On the action bar, choose Navigate > Line > Item Tracking Lines.
The Item Tracking Lines page opens.
In the Lot No. field, select the lot number of the item that is on hold.
In the Quantity (Base) field, enter 4.
Choose Close.
A dialog box appears that displays an availability warning message.
Choose Yes.
On the Item Reclassification Journals page, the Tracking Status field is changed to FILLED.
On the Item Reclassification Journals page, on the action bar, choose Process > Post.
A dialog box appears.
To post the journal line, choose Yes.
The 4 damaged cases are moved to the DAMAGES bin.