Walkthrough: Populate a New PILOT Company with Data
This walkthrough demonstrates how to add data and opening inventory to your first PILOT company. A PILOT company is a test company where an environment's setup and data can be tested.
About This Walkthrough
This walkthrough demonstrates the following tasks:
Import setup data
Import data
Import opening inventory
- A blank PILOT company was created with a company status of Testing or Development.
Louise's Bakery is implementing JustFood, and wants to test the product before going live. Before testing can start, data must be imported into the LouiseBakery_PILOT1 company.
Setup data, regular data, and opening inventory can all be imported using configuration packages.
Import Setup Data
Setup data can be imported into the new company using the JUSTFOOD package. The JUSTFOOD package includes the typical JustFood setup.
To obtain a JUSTFOOD package, contact a JustFood representative. When the package is received, the package must be stored in an accessible folder location.
To import setup data
Choose , enter configuration packages, and then choose the related link.
The Configuration Packages page opens.
To import the JUSTFOOD package, perform the following steps:
On the action bar, choose Process > Import Package.
Locate the JUSTFOOD package, for example, PackageJUSTFOOD.rapidstart, and then choose Open.
The JUSTFOOD package is added to the Configuration Packages page.
Select the JUSTFOOD package, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Config. Package Card page opens.
Review and update the package data.
This data is the data that will be imported in to the LouiseBakery_PILOT1 company.
To review and update the package data, for each table, perform the following steps:
Select the table that is to be reviewed.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Table > Package Data.
The Config. Package Records page opens and lists the data in the package for the selected table.
(Optional) Update the data.
(Optional) If you don't want to import the data, delete the line.
Choose OK.
The Config. Package Records page closes.
On the action bar, choose Process > Apply Package.
A dialog box appears.
To apply the package, choose Yes.
A dialog box appears.
To close the dialog box, choose OK.
Any tables that had an error are displayed in red. If a table had an error, the data from that table will not have been applied to the company database.
To correct any errors, perform the following steps:
Select the table that had the errors.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Table > Errors.
The Config. Package Records page opens and displays the records that had an error.
Select a line.
On the action bar, choose Process > Show Error.
The Error page opens.
Make a note of the error so that you can resolve the error.
Close the Error page.
On the Config. Package Records page, correct the data that is causing the error, and then choose OK.
On the Config. Package Card page, select the table where you corrected the errors.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Functions > Apply Data.
A dialog box appears.
Choose Yes.
The package data is now applied to the company database.
In the No. of Package Records column, if a value other than zero exists, that data was not applied to the company database.
Import Data
Company data, such as customers, vendors, locations, items, and so on, can be imported.
To import customers, you must perform the following tasks:
Create the CUSTOMERS configuration package
A configuration package provides the capability for you to choose a table and the fields that you want to populate with data.
Export and populate the customer spreadsheet
Import the customer spreadsheet
To create the CUSTOMERS configuration package
Choose , enter configuration packages, and then choose the related link.
The Configuration Packages page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
The Config. Package Card page opens.
On the General FastTab, perform the following steps:
In the Code field, enter CUSTOMERS.
In the Package Name field, enter Customers.
In the Tables section, in the Table ID field, select 18, which represents the Customer table.
Select the fields for which you want to populate data.
You don't want to enter data for every customer field so you must choose the fields for which you want to add data.
To select the fields for which you want to populate data, perform the following steps:
On the Tables section action bar, choose Table > Fields.
The Config. Package Fields page opens.
On the action bar, choose Process > Clear Included.
This action clears the Include Field check boxes.
For the following fields, select the Include Field check box:
Phone No.
Credit Limit
Country/Region Code
Post Code
The fields, where the Include Field check box is selected, will appear in the Excel spreadsheet where you will enter the customer information.
Note: The County field represents the state or province.
To view the fields where the check box was selected, perform the following steps:
In the Include Field column heading, choose the down-arrow.
Select Filter.
Select Yes.
The fields are listed in the spreadsheet according to the Processing Order field.
To update the order of the fields by updating the value of the Processing Order field, on the action bar, choose Actions > Fields > Move Up or Move Down.
For fields that have a value in the Relation Table ID field, that means you must enter codes that exist in JustFood. Before you begin entering data in the Excel spreadsheet, you must know what those codes are. In this example, the Post Code, Country/Region, and County tables must include the records that you will be using when adding vendor records.
To close the Config. Package Fields page, choose Close.
The No. of Fields Included field is updated.
To export and populate the customer spreadsheet
Choose , enter configuration packages, and then choose the related link.
The Configuration Packages page opens.
Select the CUSTOMERS record, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Config. Package Card page opens.
Export the configuration package to Excel.
This action creates an Excel spreadsheet with the fields that you selected.
To export the configuration package to Excel, perform the following steps:
In the Tables section, select the Customer row.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Excel > Export to Excel.
A dialog box appears.
To continue, choose Yes.
Save and open the spreadsheet.
Enter the data in the Excel spreadsheet.
Note the following:
No.: You can leave this field blank because the number will be automatically populated based on the number series that is defined on the Sales & Receivables Setup page, in the Customer Nos. field. If you want to enter customized customer numbers, you can choose to enter a value.
City, and ZIP Code: It is recommended that values that are entered in these fields exist in the Zip Codes page. If you enter values that do not exist in the Zip Codes page, you do not receive an error when importing but the zip code/city/country/state combination will not be added to the Zip Codes page.
State: The values that are entered here must exist in the States page. If the values do not exist, you will receive an error when importing the data.
Country/Region Code: The values that are entered here must exist in the Countries/Regions page. If the values do not exist, you will receive an error when importing the data.
Save and close the spreadsheet.
If you do not close the spreadsheet, you cannot import the spreadsheet data into JustFood.
To import the customer spreadsheet
Choose , enter configuration packages, and then choose the related link.
The Configuration Packages page opens.
Select the CUSTOMERS record, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Config. Package Card page opens.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Excel > Import from Excel.
Choose Choose.
Select the spreadsheet that you populated with the customer data.
The No. of Package Records field is updated and displays the number of records to be applied to the database. At this point, the records have not been added to the database.
If the spreadsheet wasn't imported, make sure that you closed the spreadsheet in Excel.
Review the data.
You can double-check the data and make any necessary changes.
To review the data, perform the following steps:
In the Tables section, in the No. of Package Records field, select the link that appears for the number.
The Config. Package Records page opens.
Review the data.
You can update the data, or delete a line, but you cannot add lines here.
To close the page, choose OK.
Apply the data to the database. This step adds the customer records to the database.
To apply the data to the database, perform the following steps:
In the Tables section, select the Customer row.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Functions > Apply Data. This action applies the data in the selected table.
A dialog box appears.
To continue, choose Yes.
A message is displayed that indicates records were inserted.
The customer records are added to the database. Any tables that had an error are displayed in red. If a table had an error, the data from that table will not have been applied to the company database.
Import Opening Inventory
Now that all the required data has been added to the LouiseBakery_PILOT1 company, the opening inventory can be added so that Louise's Bakery can start testing.
The OPENING INVENTORY package allows you to add inventory. The Item Journal table, in the OPENING INVENTORY package, allows lot numbers, item expiration dates and net weights to be loaded into the Item Journal, and then be posted without adding item tracking.
This walkthrough explains how to add lot numbers to the data without adding item tracking.
To import opening inventory, you must perform the following tasks:
Populate the Item Journal
You must populate the Item Journal page with the items for which you want to add data.
Export the OPENING INVENTORY package
Populate the Excel spreadsheet
From the Excel spreadsheet, you can enter the lot number, and choose the setting that allows you to add inventory without item tracking.
Import the Excel spreadsheet
Post the items to inventory
After the lot numbers have been assigned to the item, you can return to the Item Journal page, and add the items to inventory.
Data has been added to the database, such as items, locations, and bins.
Item tracking is set up for the items that are being added to inventory. To set up item tracking, on the Item Card page, in the Item Tracking Code field, a value must be selected.
To populate the item journal
Choose , enter item journals, and then choose the related link.
The Item Journals page opens.
In the Batch Name field, select a value, for example, OPENINV.
Make note of the batch name.
Delete any lines in the journal.
To delete a line, select the line, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > Delete.
For each item for which you want to add inventory, perform the following steps:
In the Entry Type field, select Positive Adjmt.
In the Document No. field, enter a document number.
In the Item No. field, select the item to which you want to add inventory.
In the Location Code field, select the location of the inventory.
In the Bin Code field, select the bin in which inventory will be placed.
In the Quantity field, enter the amount of items to add to inventory.
In the Unit of Measure Code field, if not populated, select a Unit of Measure Code.
To export the OPENING INVENTORY package
Choose , enter configuration packages, and then choose the related link.
The Configuration Packages page opens.
Select the OPENING INVENTORY package, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Config. Package Card page opens.
This package is added when a company is created.
Select the Item Journal Line record.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Excel > Export to Excel.
A dialog box appears.
Choose Yes.
Save the file.
To populate the Excel spreadsheet
Open the Excel spreadsheet that you just created.
Delete all lines except for the ones where the Journal Batch Name is the same as the batch that you selected when you populated the item journal.
In the values for the Lot No. field, enter the lot numbers.
In the Net Weight field, if required, enter the total net weight of the items.
If the Net Weight field is blank, the net weight will be inherited from the Item Card. If the Net Weight field is 0, the net weight will remain zero.
For all items for which you want to add the lot number, in the Post Using Line-Level Lot No. field, enter TRUE.
This action will allow you to post the records from the Item Journal without having to add item tracking.
Save and close the spreadsheet.
If you do not close the spreadsheet, you cannot import it into JustFood.
To import the Excel spreadsheet
Choose , enter configuration packages, and then choose the related link.
The Configuration Packages page opens.
Select the OPENING INVENTORY package, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Config. Package Card page opens.
Select the Item Journal Line record.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Excel > Import from Excel.
Select the Excel spreadsheet that you just saved.
In the No. of Package Records field, the value is updated after the spreadsheet is imported.
On the Tables section action bar, choose Functions > Apply Data.
To continue, choose Yes.
A dialog box appears and displays a message that indicates how many records were modified.
To post the items to inventory
Choose , enter item journals, and then choose the related link.
The Item Journals page opens.
Select the batch name that corresponds with the batch name where you added your items for opening inventory.
On the action bar, choose Process > Post.
A dialog box appears.
To post the journal lines, choose Yes.
The items have now been added to inventory.
Testing can begin now that the LouiseBakery_PILOT1 company is populated with data.
For information about how to create PILOT companies and a LIVE company, see Working with PILOT Companies and Creating a LIVE Company.