Consume Items
Plant provides the capability to consume items.
The Plant setup in JustFood determines the fields that appear on the Material Consumption screens. You may not see all fields that are explained in this procedure.
If the location requires picks, a pick must have been registered for the production order.
For the location selected on the production order, inventory must exist.
To consume items
Open a production order.
For more information, see Open a Production Order.
To view the metrics of the production order, if available, choose View Charts.
To view more information about the production order, choose Additional Information.
For any items that must be consumed, perform the following steps:
If the Barcode field is visible and the item to be consumed has a barcode, to populate the Item No., Lot No., and Serial No. fields, scan the barcode.
If required, in the Batch No. field, enter a value.
In the Item No. field, choose the Search icon, and then select the item to consume.
Additional fields are displayed.
If required, in the Bin Code field, choose the Search icon, and then select the bin.
If required, in the Container No. field, choose the Search icon, and then select the container.
If required, in the Lot No. field, choose the Search icon, and then select the lot number of the item that is being consumed.
If required, in the Serial No. field, choose the Search icon, and then select the serial number of the item that is being consumed.
In the Quantity field, enter the amount that is being consumed.
Select the unit of measure.
Choose Post.
If displayed, the charts change to reflect the consumed item.