Output Items
Plant provides the capability for you to output items for a center that is the last line in the routing.
The Plant setup in JustFood determines the fields that appear on the Material Output screens. You might not see all of the fields that are explained in this procedure.
To output items
Open a production order.
For more information, see Open a Production Order.
If the production order is for a family, to select the family item to output, in the Line No. field, choose the Search icon.
If required, to select the bin in which the output items are to be placed, in the Bin Code field, choose the Search icon.
If you are outputting to a container, select the Output To Container option.
If you are using a lot number, perform the following steps:
Choose New Lot.
If required, enter the production date.
If the Production Date field is displayed, the default value is based on the Plant device configuration settings in JustFood.
If required, enter the expiration date.
If required, enter the QA release date.
If the QA Release Date field is displayed, the default value is based on the Plant device configuration settings in JustFood.
If required, to select the country of origin, in the Country of Origin field, choose the Search icon.
If the Lot No. field is displayed, leave the field blank.
When the Lot No. field is left blank, Plant automatically generates the lot number based on the number series that is defined in JustFood.
To see information about the lot number that is to be generated, perform one of the following steps:
Choose the Question Mark icon.
Choose Assign Log No.
A lot number is assigned. If required, you can change the number.
The Assign Lot No. is only displayed when there is a lot algorithm or number series that is associated with the item in JustFood.
If you are using an existing lot number, perform the following steps:
Choose Existing Lot.
To select the lot number, in the Lot No. field, choose the Search icon.
Choose the Next arrow.
The Material Output screen opens.
If available, to view the metrics of the production order, choose View Charts.
To view more information about the production order, choose Additional Information.
If the Bar Code field is available, and the item has a pre-printed bar code, you can scan the item, which populates the Lot No. and Serial No. fields.
If required, in the Batch No. field, enter a value.
If required, in the Container No. field, select a container number.
If on the Material Output Options screen, the Output To Container field is selected, and the Container No. field is left blank, the container number that is generated is based on the number series that is defined in JustFood.
If required, enter a value in the Serial No. field.
The serial number must be a unique value.
If required, enter the setup time and the units of measure.
If you are posting multiple times for the same production order, you must clear the Setup Time field, otherwise the setup time is posted multiple times.
If required, enter the run time and the units of measure.
Perform one of the following steps:
In the Quantity field, enter the quantity that is being output and the units of measure.
If the item is a variable weight item, in the Net Weight field, enter the weight of the item.
If this is the final output, and all of the quantities and times have been posted, choose the Finished option.
Choosing the Finished option removes the production order from the task list.
Only choose the Finished option when the item has gone through all of the lines because selecting Finished removes the production order from the task list of all centers.
Choose Post.
Depending on how Plant was set up in JustFood, a label may also be printed.
If on the Material Output Options screen, New Lot is selected, a new lot number is generated each time you choose Post. If you want to use an existing lot number, perform the following steps:
To return to the Options screen, choose the Up icon ().
Select Existing Lot.
Select a lot number.
If displayed, the charts change to reflect the outputted item.