Shortage Indicators
When you choose Show Shortage Indicators, a color is displayed on the production orders. The colors that are displayed indicate whether the required items are available to complete the production order.
The item availability is based on the start date of the routing line.
Inventory, and inbound receipts determine the color coding. Inbound receipts include scheduled receipts and planned order receipts. Scheduled receipts include firm planned production orders, released production orders, purchase orders, and transfers. Planned order receipts include planned production orders. The following table includes more information about color coding.
Color |
Description |
Green |
All the components are available from the existing inventory (Inventory >= Amount Needed). |
Blue |
All the components are available from the existing inventory and inbound receipts (Inventory + Scheduled Receipts + Planned Orders >= Amount Needed). |
Yellow |
One or more components do not have enough inventory, and inbound receipts exist, but not enough to complete the production order (Inventory + Scheduled Receipts + Planned Orders < Amount Needed). |
Red |
One or more components do not have enough inventory, and there are no inbound receipts (Inventory < Amount Needed). |