Move Linked Production Orders
Scheduler provides the capability for you to move production orders that have been linked. To see an example of how production order linking works in Scheduler, see Walkthrough: Production Order Linking.
Production orders are linked when in JustFood, for the upstream items in a BOM structure, on the Item Card window, the Link Downstream Prod. Orders check box is selected. Also, on the Manufacturing Setup window, on the Linking FastTab, the fields must be set up. Moving linked production orders works well for situations where you schedule WIP production orders and you want the downstream FG production orders to move with the WIP.
To move linked production orders
Select a view.
To move all of the linked production orders, drag and drop the first production order task to a new date or time.
All of the downstream production order tasks that are linked are automatically moved.
If you move a production order that is downstream of a linked production order, the upstream production order is not automatically moved. For example, the finished good ICE CREAM SANDWICH contains the WIP ICE CREAM item. Linked production orders are created for ICE CREAM SANDWICH and ICE CREAM. The ICE CREAM SANDWICH production order is considered the downstream production order. If the ICE CREAM SANDWICH production order is moved, the ICE CREAM production order is not automatically moved. If you are unable to move a downstream linked production order, check that on the Manufacturing Setup window, on the Linking FastTab, the Allow Date Changes on Downstream PO and Allow Time Changes on Downstream PO check boxes are selected.