View Production Order Tasks
Scheduler provides the capability for you to view production order tasks.
To see production order tasks in the Scheduler, JustFood must be set up as follows:
Planned, Firm Planned, or Released production orders have been created in JustFood where the production order has items with routing operations and a location that matches a scheduler view.
In JustFood, Scheduler views are created.
The machine or work centers that are associated with the routing for an item must be associated with a Scheduler view.
To view production order tasks
From the list on the left, select a Scheduler view.
From the Arrangement group, select one of the following values for a calendar view:
Next 7 Days
If available, select the time scale.
The time scale is not available for the Month view.
To display the machine and work centers, select the Resource Groups check box.
The Resource Groups check box is not available for the Month view.
If you want the production order tasks to be displayed in different colors, in the Colors field, select a value.
Select the one or more types of production orders that you want to view from the View Filters group.
If you want to save the calendar settings for the selected Scheduler view, choose Save View.
Browse to the date and time of the production order task.