Create a Quality Hold
Floor provides the capability for you to create a quality hold.
To create a quality hold
From the Main Menu, choose Quality.
The Quality page opens.
Choose Quality Holds.
The Quality Hold page opens.
To define the scope of the quality hold, populate one or more of the following fields:
In the Location field, enter a Location Code.
In the Bin Code field, enter a Bin Code.
In the Item No. field, enter an item number.
In the Variant Code field, enter a Variant Code.
In the Lot No. field, enter a lot number.
In the Container No. field, enter a container number.
Choose Calculate.
The Quality Hold Journal page opens and depending on the scope that was defined for the quality hold, one or more entries may be created.
To browse the entries, you can use the Next (>), Last (>>), Previous (<), and First (<<) buttons.
If required, to delete any entries that you do not want to post, choose Delete.
For each entry that you want to post, in the Reason Code field, enter a Reason Code.
For each entry that you want to post, in the Note field, enter note information.
Choose P. Batch.